Ep 46 | The Most Dangerous Place on Earth | Pinch My Salt

Pinch My Salt Season 1 Episode 46

The Most dangerous Place on Earth! LIKE AND COMMENT!

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Professional Surfer Sterling Spencer shares in detail about the most dangerous and thrilling surfing adventure he has ever been on in the stunning and wild region of Tasmania! In this exciting discussion, we dive deep into the topic of the END OF THE WORLD and how it can be so annoying to think about, especially when you are trying to enjoy life. We also find out some juicy gossip about what legendary surfer Kelly Slater is going to name his new baby, and why it has everyone buzzing in the surfing community! Would we ever consider going skydiving, and what would that experience be like? We explore the origins of the names for goofy foot and regular stance in both surfing and skateboarding, and how these terms came to be. We even share our thoughts on how to fix surfing in the Olympics, introducing exciting new ways to make the competition even more thrilling and captivating for audiences around the world! Additionally, we talk about how to deal with fame in our small town, and the challenges and perks that come with it! Plus, we touch on our admiration for music legends like John Mayer and Michael Jackson, and so much MORE that you won't want to miss!